New Parents in Park Slope

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Week 68: Montauk Vacation

Last week we took Sophia to Montauk to have her first beach vacation for 4 days. The weather wasn't good for the first 3 days. It was very cloudy and windy. We did board walk everyday near our resort. Luckily the resort we stayed in has an indoor pool. Sophia went to the swimming pool everyday. She happily wore the floating gear and gradually got the sense to float on her own. She was very proud of it. She was very popular in the pool. Everybody smiled to her.
On the last day of our trip, the weather was very good. Sophia had an early nap. We went to the beach around noon time. She had a lots of fun on the beach. She picked little rocks, played sand, carried a little bucket of water form the ocean. We hope we can do more beach trip in the summer.
It took us more than 3 hours to get to Montauk. On each way to get there and come back, Sophia took about an hors and half nap. She wasn't cranky when she awaked. She seems enjoyed to drive around.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Week 67: New swimming tool and potty training progress

Last weekend we took Sophia to swimming class. I bought new floating swim gear for her in Paramount Sport Center. One is to put on her arms and another one is to wear over her chest. We took the one on her arms to the swimming pool. She doesn't like it at all.
Over the weekend, her potty training got progressed. She wore one pull up diaper from 3:30 PM to 9 PM. I took her to use the potty every 45 minutes. The pull up diaper was dry before she went to sleep. She got the idea to use the potty when she needs to pee. It will take some time before she can go to potty on her own. Given she is only 15 months old. It's a good start.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Week 66: Future football fan and gadget shopper

The big event for this week was the final game of the World Cup. On July 4th, we watched the semi final (Germany vs. Italy) at Karen Brody's place. During the first 60 minutes of the game, Sophia slept. When she woke up, she sat quietly in my arms and watched the game with us for another 15 minutes. I was quite surprised and thought maybe because she was just woke up. (unfortunately Germany loss the game in the last 2 minutes).

On Sunday we had lunch with David Zeng from New Mexico. Sophia constantly demanded my attention when we were eating. Later when the final started, I put her in front of the TV. She quietly watched the game with other waiters and waitress till we finished our lunch. It's clear to me that she will be a future football fan.

After lunch we went to Best Buy to check flat panel TVs. Oliver used this chance to watch the last part of the final. How about Sophia? She thought she was in a new playground. She run through different aisle, checking out TV screen, taking out gadgets from shelf, pressing buttons on whatever machines that she could reach. She had a lots of fun....

Monday, July 03, 2006

Week 65: Picnic in the Prospect Park

This weekend was very hot and humid. We had our friends come over and had a picnic in the Prospect Park. It was our first picnic after we moved to Park Slope. Sophia enjoyed it a lot. At the beginning she sat with others on the blanket and grabbed some finger food. When we all settled in, we took her for a short walk. She listened to someone played saxophone under the trees. Soon she became more interested in other kid's toys. She tried to sit on a tricycle which was too big for her. She played the Tomas train with Christian who is 3 years old. There were two other infants with us. Somehow Sophia figured out that in the infant carrying basket she can find her favorite - pacifier! Because of the heat, Sophia was very tired when we got back from the picnic. She went to sleep at 8 PM.