New Parents in Park Slope

Monday, October 30, 2006

Week 82: Changing diaper for Lulu (doll)

Tuesday I had a meeting in the morning at 7:30 am. I left home around 6:30. It was the first time I didn't dress Sophia and play with her in the morning since she was born. She woke up at 7:30 and nanny picked her up at 7:45. It was not too bad for everyone.

She loves her new living room so much. We now feed her at the little table. We even had our family dinner at the little table. I also printed couple basic animal pattern that Sophia can do a little coloring on her table. So far she just started draw couple line and we help her finish the coloring work. Sophia and Michael love to play Cash machine as well. Sophia also found another game. We got a new born baby diaper. She want to put it on for Lulu ( her doll). We first play changing diaper for couple times. Then she went the bathroom and got the diaper cream. She pretended to cream the baby butt then changed the diaper.

Because Sophia's trousers got a little bit short. I measured her height. She grew one inch from Oct. 4th to Oct. 26th. Now she is 34.5 inch tall.

Week 81: Back from China and Toy Kitchen

The day after we got back from China, Sophia went to her Music together class. She did well regarding the jet lag. She only woke up once around 12 am for milk. So she got back to her regular schedule very fast. Lately she woke up around 5 am for pee pee and milk. Then she fall back to sleep till 7:30 am. It gives me good time to take shower and prepare the morning.

Weekend we did a big shopping trip to Costco, Container store and Ikea from 2 pm to 10 pm. Sophia enjoyed the shopping trip. She checked all the IKEA kids chairs and played all their toys. We bought her a cooking toy set, a Pong lounge chair, and a set of kids table and chairs. The next day, Sophia's toddlers living room settled. She was so proud and happy with her new living room. Our neighbor also gave us a toy kitchen. Sophia immediately start to cooking for us. We played a pretend cooking for a long time.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Week 80: a week in China

Sunday was a rainny day. The long holiday was over. Qiqi and my brother all went to work or school. Oliver couldn't understand why they have to work on Sunday. It took me a while to understand his concern. (Christan don't work on Sunday). I took Sophia visited the down stair neigthber. Her son also work in New York. Sophia went to slepp before noon time. It was a easy day for us.

Monday we took Sophia at the local park. Grandparents had good time to play with her. Afternoon Oliver and I walked around and bought some DVDs. We had some coffee at Starbucks in the Lido hotel.

Teuesday Sophia slept early. Oliver and I went to Forbidden city and Tiananmen for a quick tour. We planned to take a Hutong Tour. Because we couldn't wait for the bus. We just walked from Wanfujing Av. to the back entrance of the forbidden city. It was a long walk and we saw a lot of changes in Forbidden city. In the evening my brother's family treated us a nice dinner in a shichuanese restruant called " ba guo bu yi". Sophia run around with qiqi. She enjoyed climb the stairs up and down. In the middle of the dinner there was a performance " changing face" . Sophia was shocked by the face changing so fast. She almost cried.

Wendsday we visited my friend Xiaoyan's mother. She cooked a special noddle for me. Sophia aet a lot.

Thursday morning we took Sophia to visited the Beijing Zoo. It's the first time Oliver and Sophia saw a Panda bear. I went to a hair saloon when Sophia was sleeping. In the evening we went to Tea House with my sister in law. Oliver was impressed by the performance.

Friday we took Sophia to Tiananmen square. She was runnign around and got a lots of attention from other tourist.

Saturday mornign Sophia played with my parents and Qiqi while we packed our luggeg. The flight was 3:45pm. She slept 6 hours right after the plane took off. We palyed 3 hours. She slept on me for another 2 hours. The last tow hours of flight she aet dinner and quiet relax before landing. We got back to our Brooklyn home around 8pm.

Fighting with mosqeito.
Say no no to my mother.
Play in the mid of night.

Week 79: 18 month check up and going to China

Wendesday Oct. 3rd I took Sophia to Pediatric associate for 18 month check up. Her weight is 26.75 pound. Hight is 33.5 feet. Her nanny went with me to the clinic. Sophia took happertatis A shoot because we would leave for Beijing the day after.
Thursday Oct. 4th, we flught to to Beijing. Sophia fell to sleep right after the plane took off. She woke up 1.5 hour later by other baby's cry. She walked through the aile and enjoyed the new enviornment. She was interested to the remote control, the LCD screen and the lavertory on the plane. We read book and play games for 4-5 hrs. Fianlly Oliver took over and she fell to sleep again for another 6 hrs. The whole flight expereince was quiet smoother for Sophia and us.
Friday Oct. 5th, we landed in Beijing around 3:30pm. Sophia was a little bit shy when she met her grandparents and my brother's family. But when we took her to the dinner of moon festival. She already relaxed and running around with my Nephew Qiqi. Our whole family had a good night sleep.
Saturday Ot. 6th. Oliver and I took Sophia to local supermarket for grocery shopping. My best friend Cindy waited for me on my way home. Her son Ray played with Qiqi and Sophia. Sophia was over whelmed with so many new faces. She couldn't calm down when she should sleep. She cried and struggled with me for more the 45 minutes. At the end she through out on me and my bed. It was messy. I asked everyone in room don't look at her. She pretend that her leg was itchy. So, I have to help her... After lunch she fell to sleep for 10 hours. That's her first day experience in China.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Week 78: Eczema

Saturday , Sep. 23rd, we went to Prospect Park with Michael and Michelle in the afternoon. We went to an italian place ( two boots) for diner after playing in the park. Oliver ordered sea food pasta. Sophia loved it. She ate a lot.
On Sunday there were red rushs on her legs. I thought it may because of the sea food. She had a little alergy. As days past, more rushes showed on her thuighs and arms. By Thursday I'm pretty sure it was not Alergy. Oliver took Friday off for his Father. He took her to see Doctor. It was Eczema! I heard about it from all my friends. I thought I was lucky that Sophia didn't suffer it when she was little. Now she got it because dry skin!
Last weekend the weather was very nice. We took Sophia to Battery Park to take some photos. Now she poses for the shot. I'm amazed that she just turning 18 month!

Week 77: Sophia's Grandpa visit New York

Sophia's Grandpa and Rita visit us from Sep. 17th to Sep 30th. Sophia learned to shake hands with them. She also like to toast her sippy cup with them. They left for New England from Sep 21st to Sep 27th. Over then weekend we went to open house after Sophia's Music Together class on 9 st. & PPW. We sit in the park to have a sandwich before the open house. Sophia found a new game that running around the status. She didn't take nap till 2pm.