New Parents in Park Slope

Monday, December 18, 2006

Week 89: Diarrhea and Visiting parents' office

Last Thursday Sophia had Clam Chowder for dinner. She end up had diarrhea. She through up twice during the night. And next 3 days she had very watery bowel movement. By Sunday afternoon I realized that she might not able to take certain seafood at this age...

Last Friday I took Sophia to my office daycare. The daycare's new police not allowed baby sleep in the stroller. They have to all sleep on the sleeping mat. I was afraid that Sophia couldn't take this changes. She end up went to take a nap very easily. She showed to me that she was much more adaptable than before. I took her to my office first and later to Oliver's office in Midtown. She was a little bit shy at my place. But later she can play ball with Chee and Tiffany. She was much more relax at Oliver's place. I guess she got use to those office cubic arrangment.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Week 88: First Dentist experience

Last Wednesday we took Sophia to see pediatric dentist. We found out that there are yellow mark on her upper front teeth. That's partly the reason we stop giving her the pacifier. She was happy to play the toys in the dentist office. But refuse to sit on the dental chair. I had to sit there and hold her. She cried when they did the dental cleaning, and laughed when she found that daddy is play Peek a boo. In the cry and laugh, we finished her dental cleaning. From that night on, we have to clean her teeth every night. I hold her and sit on the sofa. We first read "go to bed" book three times and let her get use to the idea brush teeth. Then on of my hand hold her arms. One hand open her upper lip that Oliver can brush her teeth. She fight with us during the teeth brush time. Hope soon she will get use to this teeth cleaning process.

Last Friday Oliver and I visited Berkeley Carroll Nursery school. We were impressed by the facility and process. If we want to get Sophia into the school. We have wait on line on Feb. 23rd to fight for the 4 spots that opened for 2-3 year old. And the cost? 22K!

Saturday we went to Gymboree for twin's birthday party. Sophia had a lot of fun. She learnd how to climb up the bars. Gymboree has many nice wooden indoor activity play toys. That's her first Gymboree experience.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

week 87: First ClubMed experience

We went to Florida ClubMed from Nov. 25th to Dec 2nd. This was our family's first ClubMed experience. Sophia had good time there. Every morning we had presh sqized orange juice and breakfast first. Sophia then checked into the mini club to play with other baby. I will have my Yoga class at 9:15. We read in a gaziboo for 45 min. Tennis class start at 11:15. I did two trapez lessons in the afternoon. We went to Sea World in Orlando on Tuesday. Normally we check Sophia out around 3:30 after her afternoon nap. We play in the swimming pool with her and we walked around in the complex. Dinner with very good and fancy. After dinner with watch some show with Sophia till she about to sleep. We checked in the sieasta around 8pm. We will sit outside for 2/3 hours and took Sophia home in a stroller.
The big change in this week is that we stop giving her the pacifier. She wasn't that happy with it. She cried a lot when she was upset and looking for her "nanu" everywhere. I hope she will over it in a week.
Another big change was that on Sunday morning after potty Sophia said "I did it". That's a big gram leap through.

Week 86: Thanksgiving dinner at friends place

On Nov 23rd we went to our friends place for dinner at central park west. Sophia was the only kid guest. She behaved very well. She tasted most of pretzles that Todd and Jellina prepared. Todd's friend's fiancee was with us. She is a Brazilan girl doing her residency in Brooklyn. At the dessert time Sophia teasted her first ice cream. She almost finished two balls.

The next day I took her to Citigroup daycare center. She had good time there. I played with her for an hour before leaving for work. We did paint work. I fed her lunch in the toddler's room. She slept two hours and sit in her stroller waiter for me.